CARQUEST Tech-Net Auto Service Center

Accurate Care Automotive offers our customers in the greater Marietta area peace of mind in knowing that with our affiliation with CARQUEST Auto Parts, our auto repair shop is a Tech-Net Professional Auto Service center. The staff at Accurate Care Automotive knows that when choosing to have a car or truck serviced, one of the most important considerations is the quality of the workmanship being performed. Being a Tech-Net Professional Auto Service center enables us to protect our customers' new car warranties as well as assisting us to make sure each and every customer visiting our shop has a successful and pleasant repair or service experience. As a CARQUEST Tech-Net Professional Service center, our shop has the technology and diagnostic equipment to repair your vehicle and keep you safely moving on the roads of the greater Marietta area!

Affiliations & Memberships

Listed below are our affiliates & groups that Accurate Care Automotive is affiliated with.

    • 770 423 9595