Hunter Engineering

Accurate Care Automotive uses new state-of-the-art equipment from Hunter Engineering. Our shop's use of this equipment represents a $100k investment that few - if any - independent shops are willing to make. It also represents our Marietta auto repair shop's commitment to our customers by demonstrating our respect for our customer’s by providing a level of customer service that shows we value our customer’s time by giving them the option of not having to take their vehicle more than one place to have it serviced. It also demonstrates our willingness to invest in other equipment, which we have like factory proprietary scanning and programming equipment, which few other independent shops will make. This is one of today's key ingredients to being a true "dealer alternative" in the Marietta area.

Affiliations & Memberships

Listed below are our affiliates & groups that Accurate Care Automotive is affiliated with.

    • 770 423 9595